summary Crime and Punishment (Click to Read)


Crime And Punishment

Part 1: 

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a former law student living in poverty in Saint Petersburg, plans to rob and murder an elderly pawn-broker. Along the way, he meets Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov, a drunkard who tells him about his daughter Sonya, forced into prostitution to support their family. Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother detailing his sister Dunya's problems with her employer, Svidrigailov, and her decision to marry a wealthy suitor, Luzhin, to help her brother. This angers Raskolnikov, and his thoughts return to his criminal plan. He proceeds to kill the pawn-broker and her half-sister Lizaveta when she unexpectedly interrupts. Raskolnikov steals some items and a small purse, leaving most of the pawn-broker’s wealth untouched, managing to escape without being caught.

Part 2:

Raskolnikov falls into a feverish state, hides the stolen items, and experiences a prolonged delirium. Upon waking, he finds his friend Razumikhin has been taking care of him. He overhears discussions between Razumikhin and the doctor regarding the police investigation into the murders. When his sister Dunya arrives with her fiancé Luzhin, Raskolnikov insults Luzhin and forces him to leave. Raskolnikov then sneaks out, seeking news about the murder and seeming to deliberately draw attention to his own involvement. He mocks the suspicions of the police official Zamyotov and revisits the crime scene, provoking the anger of the workers and caretakers with his casual inquiries.
